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Archive for the tag “5:2 diet”

10 Diets in 50 Days

Hi there!

I found this interesting article from the Daily Mail (not the most realiable but it seems more of a diary from a general person). It’s written by Andy Leeks, who decided to try 10 different diets in 50 days after years of struggling to stick with any diet plan. He chose the following diets;

“the 5:2 diet; the Special K diet, where two out of three meals are replaced by Special K cereal or snack bars; following NHS guidance for a healthy diet; a juice fast; the high-fat, low-carb Atkins diet; a raw food diet; the baby food diet (replacing two out of three meals a day with tiny jars of baby food, in order to cut calories); calorie counting using a mobile phone app; the grapefruit diet, which involves having either grapefruit or grapefruit juice before or after each meal, supposedly to boost fat-burning; and the cabbage soup diet.”

I think what’s the most interesting, is that whilst he lost weight on all the diets, he said the NHS guidance for a healthy diet was the easiest and most enjoyable to follow. He lost a total of 4lbs on that diet, which was not the most he lost in 5 days (5lbs on the Special K and 5:2 diet) he said his mood was better and he enjoyed it more.

I thought I’d share this because this shows that you don’t need faddy diets to lose weight. It’s not a “2 week eat right, lose weight, be fine” type of thing. If you at a balanced diet and exercise regularly you can lose weight without eating cabbage soup all day (not fun I’d imagine).

The NHS Guidelines are great and have loads of tips, advice and recipes to check out!

Faddy diets DO NOT WORK. You’ll see short term weight loss and long run gains (somtimes even more than you lost). It takes time and effort to get a healthy diet going but once it’s your lifestyle, it’s dead simple.

Gym Bug

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